Refund Policy

At Cricmoney, we want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we offer a refund policy as follows:

Eligibility for Refund

  • - You may be eligible for a refund within 12hrs of the purchase date.

  • - Refunds will only be issued if your balance is available in your registered account,incase you used your deposited amount then there will be no re-fund against zero balance.

Refund Process

  • - To initiate a refund, please contact us.

  • - Our team will review your request and respond within 12hrs.

  • - To communicate with you about updates and promotions.

  • - If approved, refunds will be processed within 12hrs and credited back to the original payment method

Refund Amount

  • - Refunds will be issued for the full amount paid, minus any [fees, e.g., processing fees].


  • - Refunds will not be issued for [e.g., change of mind, failure to cancel subscription].

  • - Refunds will not be issued for purchases made with [e.g., in game Entry fee for tournament].